Limina Gallery proudly presents
Art in Multiform
Art presents in many, multi, varied, eclectic, broad, diverse, wide-ranging forms. Art’s impact is powerful in all aspects of society and World Art Day was formed to promote awareness of creative activity worldwide.
April 15th, Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday, was chosen as World Art Day, in part, to honor him and as testament to the influence of the Fine Arts on other fields.
we are celebrating diversity in artistic presentation!

Seasons Turn
Joan Malkerson

Chalice for Ukraine
Judy Pekelsma

Mustard Seed
Joan Malkerson

Ukraine Fighting for Democracy: The Sacrificial Lamb
Joan Malkerson

Ukraine Fighting for Democracy: David and Goliath
Joan Malkerson

Ukraine Fighting for Democracy: St Michael and the Dragon
Joan Malkerson

Family Values
Bruce Jefferson

Love Triangle
Bruce Jefferson

The Devil Within
Bruce Jefferson

Raven on Arts in New Mexico
Carol Nagan

Custom Chaps
Andrew Kirchem

Adobe with 3-Dimentional Shrub
David Kish

Hello, Has Anyone Seen My Right Shoe?
Sabine Jefferson

The Ocean is Reaching Out
Sabine Jefferson

I Wonder When is the Light Coming On?
Sabine Jefferson

Silver Pendant on Beads
Hope de la Torre

Sanguine Descent
Cynthia Johnson

Leap of Faith_Hall of Ravens_Arches
BoxArtDreams Light Box Series
Created by Marc Cohen and Julia Danielle
Photo by Carol M Highsmith

Arabian Beauty
Birgitta Riley

Getting Noticed
Birgitta Riley

Night Magic
Birgitta Riley

CLICK on an image below to view the work in a light box with the Artist’s contact information.